Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Medical Systems Assignment

Today I am going to post a draft of my Medical Systems assignment which is about the similarities in the medical ideas in France and China. I hope that you enjoy reading my thoughts and feel free to post me a comment or some questions.

Why throughout history do the power relations between medical practitioners, classes and government interventions in medicine have some significance in the area medical anthropology? These relations have influenced the development of medicine in many countries such as what occurred in France and in China. In these countries revolutions occurred and these circumstances also changed the accessibility to medicine and the foundational concepts in the profession. In 1789, the middle class overthrew the French monarchy and it modified the political and social order in France. In 1947, the working class overthrew the Chinese government and replaced it with a Communist regime and the incorporation of Communist ideas in Chinese policies. The economy, social structure, and culture in France and China at the time of the change made Revolution possible. As these Revolutions occurred although they were in different times in history, place and culture, both generated parallels in their medical thought. Some of the parallel were: a change in the authority and power held by those in medicine, a move for government and medicine to cooperate so they could intervene and prevent epidemics apparent at the time, the commercialisation of medicine as a profession, and the increasing popularity for doctors to use scientific concepts in medicine.

After the French revolution in the 1780s, France had become a socialist republic which explains the many parallels between French and Chinese medical ideas. Judt (1975:55) explains the extreme left thinking was apparent in France, which is a characteristic of socialism and this way of thinking was more dominant in the countryside amongst the peasants. The support for socialism in the countryside was a reflection of the economic, demographic and social circumstances of the time. The shortage of food supply caused the overthrow of the French monarchy by the middle class peasants which altered the power relations in France. These class re-structuring explain how medical ideas, like in China, were publicised (Foucault, 1999).

The medicine in France gained its power and authority in society from the political circumstances that occurred. Starr (1982: 9 & 14), gives his definition of authority when applying it to medicine by stating that it possesses a status that creates trust and obedience amongst the public. He also provided a definition of “power” when relating it to medicine by explaining that the profession’s power is dependent on their “knowledge” and “competence”. In the past medicine, Jones(1996: 14) argues medicine did not have the status it has today because it was considered insignificant in comparison to other things with religious or political prestige. Furthermore, Foucault (1999:24-26) argues the increasing urban population in France and an increasing need for health care were factors that enabled medicine to acquire a higher status in society. Urbanisation also increased the spread of epidemics (illnesses that affect a large number of people and are easily contagious). These illnesses could cause death on a large scale and, in a society where a minority are the elite and the majority are poor, they could create a situation where the political regime in, for example France, would be overthrown. Medicine has increased its power and authority since the French revolution because of the epidemics and other political and economic circumstances that occurred in their wakes however there also need to for health policy that stresses public health.

According to Lucien Bianco & Muriel Bell (1971:4), in China, there was also a need to treat contagious diseases. Under the Communist party the government owned, funded and ran all hospitals around the country and this gave the public free access to their health care. According to Shi(1993:723) one advantage that occurred because of the government ownership of hospitals is with the family maintenance policy that developed under it. She explains that the national aim is to control the birth rate of children and to improve social and economic circumstances for families’ .Since the Communist revolution in China, the population has increased dramatically and because of the lack in health insurance and pensions the family planning policy developed. This example shows how government initiatives in medicine can influence social conditions, such as in China, with birth control however Shi (1993: 734) points out that the Chinese government will need to re-structure the system so that is compatible with economic policy and health policy in the country.

One major change in medicine after the French revolution was its commercialisation from being traditional and not so profitable to an influential and powerful institution in France. Scarr (1982) gives the definition of “commercialisation” and he says it means in medicine that the doctor is paid through private or social funding for their expertise and advice that they have given to their patient. One response to this was the increasing competition in the field. In France, doctors underwent training in clinics and in hospitals to determine their credibility and status within the field. Furthermore, the hospitals and clinics that developed after the French Revolution were generally “privatised” according to Foucault(1994), which he explains means, in relation to medicine, doctors determine their income that they receive from the level of expertise they have and from the authority they have to control their own economic development. The commercialisation of medicine implies that doctors have more power in determining their economic development however the system also needs to ensure that the needs of patients are prioritised over medical financial gain.

However, commercialisation is not always the case, in China, medical practitioners who specialise in Chinese herbal medicine are in competition with modern practitioners. Hence, commercial prices in medicine are lower in comparison to those in France. Furthermore, Yang (n.d: 1)points out that the Chinese Communist Party demand that doctors serve their patients without commercial gain because in China the policy was that medicine was to serve the people in health care unselfishly. However this was not always what happened because after the communist revolution in China nationalisation of medical practitioners promoted the social status of doctors and this would prevent public the aims to improve public health. China’s need to economically develop would encourage the commercialisation of health care and this implies that communist policies that may seem to improve the living conditions of the public through public ownership of health care did not achieve its purpose.

Foucault (1994) has noted how medical ideas socially are constructed through language. Notably, for example the concepts of disease, life and death have different meanings according to in France and in China. For example, disease, in France, is understood as a change in the equilibrium of the human body causing the display of symptoms that can be classified and categorised by the doctor. He gives some good insight by how doctors understand the medical concept of disease and how it could be profitable financially for them because there is a dependency of the patient on their doctor. Starr(1984:3) also acknowledges the importance that language has on the social meaning of an illness. These beliefs create implications for how the patient is valued and viewed in the society. Many illnesses that are diagnosed by doctors carry a stigma for the patient. Kleinman (1980: 119-120) further questions the social construction of the “hospital” and he explains it functions to separate ill patients as, socially, this was necessary to protect the rest of society. The meanings that the society places of medical ideas have large implications for the experiences of patients who carry the stigma of disease. Furthermore public awareness and tolerance of ill patients should increase public acceptance of the common stigmas that character disease.

Furthermore, while Communism in China did acknowledge the influence capitalism has on the economy it followed a similar ideology, like in France, for improving the standard living of the urban and rural population in China. According to Shi (1993:1), communism is the “public ownership of the means of production and resources” and to “serve” the wider public. In all respects, this ideology is that the labourers are the centre of production and therefore they should gain the benefit they deserve from their work. In response to this idea, the government in China developed policies to ensure that landowners in the rural areas do not exploit the workers and that no individual could earn more than others. Marx’s view on the way medicine would be run by a communist regime where it would subside health care and ensure medical educational training is easily available to both traditional and modern practitioners who have interest in health care.

The distribution of populations in France and China were another change after the revolutions where majority of rural dwellers moved to the urban areas to acquire better living conditions. Foucault(1994:28) and gives the definition of “industrialisation”. He says it means the movement of people into the urban areas from rural ones to increase their capita and to change their place in social structure. This is the case in France because no longer were individuals working with family members instead they were working with strangers in their professions and with a move from socialism could emerge. With capitalism, which in relation to medicine, is an individual’s attempt to regulate and control their profit by selling their expertise into the market, new medical ideas on disease, life and death in some regions of France it developed. It is important according to Shi (1993) to note that health care has traditionally focused its attention on urban areas instead of rural one therefore, a move to improve health care in rural areas she argues is necessary.

One important change in medicine that Foucault(1994:73) points out is the influence that scientific knowledge has on the doctor while he is “gazing” at his patient’s symptoms. First of all, he explains the concept of “gazing” in medicine which is understood to be some observation of the human body without acknowledge historical, social and emotional aspects of the body. In other words, a scientist would say it is the observation of a human body as if it was only an object to look at and learn from. Thus in relation to medicine, that is what doctors do in educating their students and practitioners in clinics and in hospitals. For instance, they open up dead bodies as if they were an object with no life or identity and analyse the parts for the development of the profession and for some understanding of the body and its systems. Then with this, Foucault points out that the system is at fault because they compare the living body with one that is dead, which he argues is the fault in modern medicine which with the doctor takes away the subjective nature of the human body for his own benefit of acquiring further education.

According to Starr (1982:16), science influences medicine and it ensures doctors can illustrate that their expertise are rational and truthful rather than spectacle. He gives some the definition of “objectivity” which is foundational in contemporary medicine. He explains that doctors view a patient through observation and through ensuring that extraneous variables(environmental influences) do not influence their accuracy in their “gaze”. Foucault(1994:124-125) delves deeper into this issue by looking at the ways medicine could gain authority and power. This was through the opening up of corpses however, previously these prohibited acts were rare and greatly disputed because of religious and political ethics. Medical practitioners have traditionally been under attack by religious and political groups for their objective ideologies. The regulation and maintenance of subjectivity(considering the historical, social and emotional aspects of health) in medicine is significant in treating patients holistically and in reconstructing the language that doctors use in their hospitals and clinics to rationalise their status.

In conclusion, the extent to which science has a direct influence on medical ideas in France and China is understood by looking at how doctors use objectivity to rationalise their work and also by the way he gazes at the human body as a system ready to be opened up without any ethical considerations of such act. Secondly, the movement of rural dwellers to urban areas for economic development occurred after the wave of French Revolution and Communist Revolution in China. It is important to note that health care needs to focus its attention on all regions of society not just on the urban ones as Shi has pointed out. Moreover, the increasing expectation of governments and health care practitioners to improve living conditions are a reflection of the communist and social ideologies apparent in the societies. Socially construction medical ideas through language have a lot of implications for the stigma that patients carry society when they are diagnosed with an illness. In addition, the commercialisation in medicine has been a major issue in national economics in China and France where there is a need for the government to intervene in the funding and costs of health care and to ensure that public health is easily accessible to the majority. It is helpful to acknowledge the historical context of French and Chinese medicine as Foucault and Upschuld have illustrated where they show that traditionally it did not have its authority and power that it has today. Indeed, looking at the French medical system has implication for research that looks at the influence western ideas have on eastern ones in China, and will have in the beyond years.


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